Understanding English orthography
– implications for teaching phonics and spelling
3 x Zoom Video Sessions presented by David Hornsby for ALEA Central Queensland.
7, 14 & 21 May, 4 – 5 pm.
Open to all teachers, literacy leaders, principals, speech pathologists.
Go to:
Structured Word Inquiry with Dr Peter Bowers
Saturday, 1 February 2020
Join Peter Bowers, PhD, for this active, engaging and practical workshop.
Learn how educators around the world apply the principles of inquiry to the
study of English spelling as a means of enriching vocabulary, reading and
spelling – and to leverage learning in any subject area. Bowers’ instructional
research has been published in prestigious journals and his workshops are
highly sought after around the world.
What is Structured Word Inquiry? (SWI)
For more information about Pete Bowers and Structured Word Inquiry, see:

Workshop Information
Date: Saturday, 1 Feb 2020
Time: 9:00 Tea/coffee/registration 9:15 am – 3:30 pm
Workshop Location: Brunswick South PS 56 Brunswick Rd, Brunswick East.
Parking available in surrounding streets. Tram 1 or 6 along Lygon St; or Tram 96 along Nicholson St.
For whom? Classroom teachers, literacy leaders, specialists, lead teachers, speech therapists, principals.
**** BOOKED OUT ****
We’re thrilled with the response to this one-day workshop, but we’ve reached room capacity and can’t take any more bookings. If you would like to register your interest in another workshop with Dr Peter Bowers, please let us know (click the “Contact David” button).
Also, watch this space! Julie Shepherd and I will be organising some practial follow-up workshops.
Bowers, J.S., and Bowers, P.N. (2018). Progress in reading instruction requires a better understanding of the English spelling system Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 407-412.
Bowers, J.S. (2018). Reconsidering the evidence that systematic phonics is more effective than alternative methods of reading instruction. PsyArXiv.
Bowers, J.S., Bowers, P.N. (2018). The importance of correctly characterising the English spelling system when devising and evaluating methods of reading instruction: Comment on Taylor, Davis, and Rastle (2017). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Kirby, J. R. & Bowers, P. N. (2018). The effects of morphological instruction on vocabulary learning, reading, and spelling. In R. Berthiaume, D. Daigle, & A. Desrochers (Eds.), Issues in Morphological Processing. Routledge.
Bowers, J.S., & Bowers, P.N. (2017). Beyond Phonics: The Case for Teaching Children the Logic of the English Spelling System. Educational Psychologist, 52, 124–141. 2017
Kirby, J. R. & Bowers, P. N. (2017). Morphological instruction and literacy: Binding phonological, orthographic, and semantic features of words. In K. Cain, D. Compton, & R. Parrila, (Eds.), Theories of reading development. Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Bowers, P.N., Kirby, J.R., & Deacon, S.H. (2010) The Effects of Morphological Instruction on Literacy Skills: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Review of Educational Research, 80, 144–179.
5 online sessions with Dr Peter Bowers
in February 2020.
Great follow-up after full-day workshop on Saturday 1 February
for those new to Structured Word Inquiry.

Orthographic Inquiry Workshops
with Lyn Anderson and Ann Whiting
in 2020 Click here for information.