Professor Jenny Gore, The Age, 23 Aug 2023. New NAPLAN labels don’t change your children or how they are going at school. About 1 in 10 students are identified as needing additional support, but two-thirds achieved the STRONG or EXCEEDING PROFICIENCY bands.
EduResearch Matters, 29 June 2023. Students can engage in meaningful and informed discussions regarding real issues in Australian society.
Sally Larsen, EduResearch Matters, 22 May 2023. Despite the disruptions to schooling that came with the covid pandemic, the PIRLS results show NO DECLINE in the average score for Australian students since the previous testing in 2016. Despite this, the major newspapers still found something negative to write.

Madonna King, The New Daily, 23 Feb 2023. NAPLAN has never been diagnostic, but as King points out, it has become a ‘great divider’.

The Age, 20 Oct 2022. The NAPLAN writing test stifles creativity and forces teachers to deliver lessons that are geared to focus on a narrow band of criteria unrelated to the craft of creative writing.

Dr Paul Thomas, 18 Sept 2022. Pronouncing nonsense words is complete nonsense, and even worse, it is not reading — but it is wasting valuable teaching and learning time that every student deserves, time better spent with meaningful experiences with real words and real texts. Continue reading

Dr Peter Gray, Psychology Today, 23 July 2022. Reposted 20 Aug 2022. Schools produce anxiety and depression and then hire counsellors to reduce them. Gray challenges school systems to do an experiment. In one condition, continue with standard practice. In the second condition, hire more therapists. In the third condition, cut homework or eliminate it, reduce the emphasis on testing, and most important, include at least one full hour of…

The Age, 4 August 2022. NAPLAN is sapping a generation of students of their capacity for creative writing, a study has found, with the national standardised test accused of rewarding those who produce formulaic writing and penalising creative expression.

Gabbie Stroud, The Guardian, 27 Jun 2022. Australia is facing mass teacher unrest and an exodus from the profession. Teachers on the cusp of leaving explain why.

EducationHQ, 24 May 2022. You only have to turn on the TV to see why the mental health of our youth is suffering.
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