NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Statement on Independent Reading, Nov 2019.
Literacy, early literacy, literacy in the primary school, early writing, early reading, phonics, spelling
NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Statement on Independent Reading, Nov 2019.
The Age, 3 Nov 2019. The principal hired two full-time teacher-librarians and introduced a school-wide reading program. This year, the school received national recognition from ACARA for the remarkable improvement in reading results. NAPLAN results in 2016 were at the school’s lowest point, but gains in 2018 doubled the Victorian average.
Misty Adoniou, www.elgazette.com 31 Oct 2019. A synthetic phonics ‘first, fast and furious’ approach and the Year 1 phonics test in the UK have not worked because English is a morphophonemic language. Meaning is required for phonics to work.
Dr Peter Gray, Psychology Today, 5 May 2015. Pre-school and kindergarten teachers are upset by the increased pressure on them to teach and test academic skills. They can see the unhappiness generated and research supports their concerns. Read here
Dr Sebastian Suggate, University of Otago, 3 Jan 2010. An older paper we need to re-read. Teaching children to read from age five is not likely to make that child any more successful at reading than a child who learns reading from age seven. Read here
Bethan Marshal, King’s College London, www.independent.co.uk. The age at which we start learning to read: In Sweden you will be at least seven, in Germany possibly the same, and in Finland you may be as old as eight. In England you’ll be six and in Australia you will be five! We are obsessed with the age at which you can decode those specks on a page of print and…
The Conversation, 23 Sept 2019. Regular silent reading, which is sustained reading of materials they select for pleasure, provides great value.
David Hornsby, 2017. This paper is available for download. It may be copied (without changes) and distributed freely. The proposed test is not compatible with the intentions of the Australian Curriculum: English, but we might ask why a test on one day of the year would be worthwhile. Assessment is a continuous process, not an event. Aust Curric & Yr 1 phonics test
EduResearch Matters, Dr Paul Gardner, 15 July 2019. While the systematic teaching of phonics has an important place in a teacher’s repertoire of strategies, it does not appear to make any sense to make it the exclusive method of teaching reading. To give it a privileged status as a test does exactly that. In England, phonics screening check scores have improved by students’ reading abilites have not. Read the article…
NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English), 11 Aug 2019. The NCTE recognises the importance of music as an integral part of literacy education. Art, music, movement and drama are essentials and should never be considered additional luxuries. Read the article here
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