PETAA (Primary English Teaching Association of Australia) publishes many excellent units of work. Check their website regularly. The Language of Climate Change Science: a preschool to Year 8 teaching and learning progression

Education Matters, Oct 2020. Australians have overwhelmingly supported teachers and their ability to inspire, encourage and provide kindness to students, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Age, 31 April 2020. A $30m federal government direct instruction literacy program has failed to boost literacy and schools report a significant decline in attendance. Year 3 NAPLAN scores in school with the program declined by 23.43 points, compared with school without the program where results increased by 4.47 points. A House of Reps standing committee recommendation no further funding, but Minister Dan Tehan extended it.

Robert Slavin, 8 Oct 2020. Slavin is yet another critic of John Hattie’s meta-analyses. A short but important article with an analogy making it easy to understand.

The Conversation, 11 Sept 2020. By developing knowledge about the impact of trauma on children, teachers are likely to develop stronger relationships, and a greater sense of confidence with these children, and lower classroom disruption.

EducationHQ, Sarah Duggan, 10 Sept 2020. Professor Sahlberg likens the new ANSA proposal – the latest NAPLAN reform being pushed by NSW, and ACT, Victoria and Queensland – as akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Zoe Hyde, The Conversation, 28 Aug 2020. The World Health Organisation has recommended that children aged 12 and older should wear masks, and the German Society for Virology recommends that masks be worn by all children attending school. We must consider how children contribute to community transmission or we won’t control the pandemic.

Brett Healey, The Conversation, 21 August 2020. Teach grammar as a way to make meaning, not as a set of rules. Show how grammar works in texts, use examples and make them authentic, make room for discussion and encourage language play.
Misty Adoniou, Brian Cambourne & Robyn Ewing, The Conversation, 1 Nov 2018. All books are decodable. If they weren’t decodable they would be unreadable. We use rich, authentic texts to support all the decoding skills described in the Australian Curriculum (not just phonics).

The Conversation, 9 July 2020. Making sure children have access to books showing diversity is one step in breaking the cycle that leads to entrenched racism.
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