Australian Children’s Television Foundation, 3 June 2020. The ACTF has a range of engaging educational content and support materials related to Refugee Week and World Refugee Day. Highly recommended.
Australian Children’s Television Foundation, 3 June 2020. The ACTF has a range of engaging educational content and support materials related to Refugee Week and World Refugee Day. Highly recommended.
www.change.org All Australians need to know about the culture and history of the country in which they live.
The New Daily, 31 May 2020. No-one is born full of hate; racism is learned. This article provides some good advice, but don’t forget to share lots of the wonderful literature that helps children think and learn about how we are “all the same but different”. An online search for children’s literature and racism will provide worthwhile starting points — and don’t forget to ask the librarian at your…
Dirt Lane Press (an Australian registered charity) proudly presents “Where Happiness Hides” – a story about finding magic in everyday moments. Read the book free, on screen, in the language you choose.
The New Daily, 19 May 2020. Cate Blanchett, Chris and Liam Hemsworth, Meryl Streep and others have united to read Roald Dahl’s classic for coronavirus charity.
Save the Children, 20 May 2020. Stories can push us to action, elicit emotions, or keep us learning about places and things we never knew about. At a time of heightened uncertainty around the world, they can be a salve for what we’re experiencing and feeling. (Videos of authors reading their stories embedded.)
Robyn Ewing AM, EducationHQ News, 8 May 2020. Given that research has consistently shown that NAPLAN adversely affects deep learning along with the wellbeing of teachers and students, now would seem to be the time to consider abandoning this high-stakes testing regime altogether.
Amy Gibbons, www.tes.com, 30 Apr 2020. An infectious diseases expert from the University of Oxford has warned that we have “every reason to believe that children can infect others.” There should be vastly increased testing and contact tracing if children are to return to schools.
The New Daily, 22 Apr 2020. Teachers, you might like to share this article with your parents. (Co-authored by Collins, Follong and Bucher.)
The Conversation, 25 April 2020. What online threats are children exposed to and what can parents do to keep them safe?
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